Document Registry


Moore, John H. Manuscript Collection

Papers, 16 feet

Professor. Photocopies of field notes (1933) compiled by Fred Eggan during his studies of Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian kinship, bands, societies, marriage, genealogy, ceremonies, child care, and social customs; U.S. census coding sheets (1880, 1900); Cheyenne and Arapaho Indian censuses (1888–1977); computer printouts showing Cheyenne-Arapaho allotments, census data, and kinship analyses (n.d.); printed materials and copies of records (1867–1982) relating to Northern Cheyenne Indians; printed material and copies of records (1864–1981) relating to Sand Creek Cheyenne Indians; copies of Cheyenne Indian probate records (1920s); and grant-related records (1975–1985).